Thursday, February 09, 2006

And her name shall (not) be...

Miss Thing has decided what her little sister should be named: Giraffe. I asked for her opinion and that's what she said. I ran a couple names by her that we're considering and she said, "no, 'Giraffe!' Her name should be 'Giraffe!'" ha ha! But since I don't want Thing Two to disown us as soon as she starts school, I think we'll go with something more conventional. Not traditional, mind you, but more... well, namelike.


Unknown said...

Giraffe seems totally reasonable to me

Violet the Verbose said...

Ha ha ha! What, are you related to Miss Thing's Daddy or something? His family thinks it's cute and are trying to come up with other ways to pronounce it to make it sound like a real name.