Monday, July 30, 2007

Summer In The Neighborhood

This is how we spend most afternoons, though there are not always popsicles involved, and when there are not popsicles involved, the two children pictured above are usually pushing each other's buttons and generally being cranky. But sometimes they actually have fun playing together, too. The super-cutie sitting oh-so-daintily next to Sweet Pea is her first boyfriend. At least, he calls her his girlfriend. Tee hee hee! Since we spend so much time outside playing he should have a name on my blog (and yes, I did get his mommy's permission before posting his picture here). I think that I'll use his parents' nickname for him: The Destroyer. That nickname seems especially funny looking at him sitting there all well-behaved with his ankles crossed. Ha ha! Meanwhile, my truly mild-mannered girly-girl sprawls next to him in the least becoming pose a little girl can assume in a skort. Ah, childhood. ha ha!

The Bug kept stealing any and every popsicle I got for myself (I tried twice). Speaking of unbecoming... that little skirt just kept flipping up in front on her skort every time she squatted down - which, as a new walker, she does quite a lot, especially on angled surfaces like driveways.

Sweet Pea apparently ran out of room to draw on The Destroyer's driveway and had to move to a different neighbor's tree... I hope the neighbor didn't mind. She's a grandma, so she probably thought it was cute.

Sweet Pea also decorated part of the street. She sure loves drawing kitties!
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Christina said...

Awww... how cute! Hey, a little chalk never hurt a tree, right? It probably looks colorful now!

Anonymous said...

Sidewalk chalk is so much fun. I love it because Dawson is happily banging the chalk into the sidewalk and I can sit next to him and read a book. It's a win-win!

Stahl family said...

OH what fun! Popsicles and chalk seem to be what summers are made of! :)